Ranking of the world’s most experienced SHIP suppliers
The updated SHIP Supplier World Map lists 68 companies. Those among them with the highest number of SHIP systems commissioned by the end of 2023 are listed in the ranking above. The world’s most experienced SHIP suppliers come from Mexico, the Netherlands and China: Modulo Solar, Solareast Group, G2 Energy, Linuo Paradigma and Inventive Power. Three further companies have achieved the minimum requirement of 10 SHIP systems implemented by the end of 2023 and were newly included in the ranking: Next Source and Infinity Solar from the Netherlands as well as Quadsun from India. The survey among the SHIP turnkey suppliers was carried out in February / March this year and was supported by Natural Resources Canada.
But the picture of the SHIP supply industry is only complete if one also looks at the ranking of the providers with the largest realized SHIP capacity. A total of 14 companies have now cleared the hurdle for this ranking of more than 10,000 m2 of collector area – equivalent to 7 MW. This year, two new companies were added to this ranking: Solarlite CSP Technology from Germany and Solarwall from Spain. The US company Glasspoint is also newly included among the firms with a high realized SHIP capacity. It took over the technology from the insolvent former Glasspoint and thus the SHIP plants in Oman are counted as references for the newly founded company.
In addition to English, you can also find the ranking diagrams in Portuguese and Spanish online below the SHIP Turnkey World Map: https://www.solar-payback.com/suppliers/
SHIP project developers offer a large variety of collector types
Only companies that responded to the most recent survey are listed on the online SHIP Supplier World Map. Among the 68 companies represented, 74 % produce at least one sort of collector in-house or on-site. This proportion has remained fairly constant in recent years. The other businesses are system integrators, which offer industrial solar heat systems equipped with a collector type based on customer needs.
The companies on the world map produce eight different types of collector (see pie chart below). This allows them to respond flexibly to the very different heat needs of industrial customers, both in terms of temperature level and of heat transfer medium, be it water, air or steam.
Parabolic troughs are still the most popular collectors, but the gap to flat-plate collectors has narrowed this year because two providers no longer offer SHIP solutions with parabolic troughs (Skyven Technologies from USA) or did not respond to the survey (Trivelli Energia form Italy).
The number of Fresnel collector providers has been reduced by two due to company closure of Industrial Solar from Germany and Idhelio from France.
However, there are now five instead of the previous four PVT providers on the list of companies offering SHIP solutions: Solarwall and Abora Solar from Spain, Soblue from Switzerland, Sundrum Solar from the USA and R&R Systems from the Netherlands. It can be assumed that providers with PVT collectors will continue to increase in significance on the world map because the PVT industry is currently developing dynamically, especially in Europe.
Websites of organizations mentioned in this news article:
Modulo Solar: https://modulosolar.com/mx/
Solareast Group: https://en.sunrain.com/ / https://en.micoe.com/
G2 Energy: https://g2energy.nl/
Linuo Paradigma: http://www.linuo-paradigma.com/
Inventive Power: https://inventivepower.com.mx/solucion-en-energia-solar/
Next Source: https://www.nextsource.nl/
Infinity Solar: https://infinitysolar.nl/
Quadsun Solar: https://www.quadsuntechnology.com/
Solarlite CSP Technology: https://www.solarlite.de/en/
Solarwall: https://www.solarwallspain.com/
Glasspoint: https://www.glasspoint.com/
Trivelli Energia: http://www.trivellienergia.com/
Skyven Technologies: https://skyven.co/
Abora Solar: https://abora-solar.com/en/
Soblue: https://www.soblue.com/en/
Sundrum Solar: https://www.sundrumsolar.com/
R&R Systems: https://rr-systems.nl/