Solar Heat for Cities – brochure and infographics
Why is solar heat such a smart way to create sustainable communities? It improves energy security, keeps heat costs stable for at least 20 years and cuts air pollution in towns and cities. To encourage more mayors, local council members and municipal utilities to look into this cost-effective solution, researchers working on Task 55, Towards the Integration of Large SHC Systems into District Heating and Cooling Networks, published the brochure Solar Heat for Cities in November (see the attached documents). This consumer promotion material includes 11 infographics that illustrate solar district heating (SDH) technologies, their advantages and market growth. The files, available in English, German and French, can be downloaded in JPG or PDF format and can be used free of charge in third-party publications.
Images: IEA SHC Task 55
“SDH markets are growing in Denmark, Germany and China, and new markets are starting to emerge, for example, in France, Italy, Poland and Spain,” explained Sabine Putz, Chair of Task 55. “With this brochure, we aim to address new investors and local decision-makers.” The case studies into successful SDH projects shown in Solar Heat for Cities are real-world testimony to the benefits of solar district heating for municipalities. Satisfied SDH investors explain why they chose a specific mix of technologies, including solar energy, to reduce their dependence on fossil fuels or lower heat prices for their customers. The logic behind this approach is: “If it works for them, it could work for us too.”

The brochure showcases nine SDH systems built in Austria, China, Denmark, France, Germany, Latvia and Serbia. The infographic above classifies countries based on their attractiveness for SDH. The appeal of a national market depends on the technological readiness of its DH sector.
The brochure and the information charts were sponsored by the following Task 55 participants, in cooperation with the Belgian-based European Copper Institute: Solites (Germany), Solareast Arcon-Sunmark Large-Scale Solar Systems Integration (China), Aalborg CSP (Denmark), newHeat (France), Savosolar (Finland) and Greenonetec (Austria).
Download the SDH infographics: http://task55.iea-shc.org/
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