Australia Handbook
Australia and New Zealand: Design Handbook for Large-scale Systems
The Master Plumbers and Mechanical Services Association of Australia (MPMSAA) and Sustainability Victoria jointly produced the Large Scale Solar Thermal Systems Design Handbook, which provides guidance in best practice approaches for designing large-scale solar hot water systems.
There is a fair number of promising applications for the above-mentioned systems in a wide variety of locations with a hot water demand of 60 to 120°C, such as hospitals, breweries and abattoirs. The Handbook has been put together to address common questions about how to design large-scale solar hot water systems in Australia and New Zealand. It shows how the performance of solar hot water systems depends on the design, product characteristics, applied hot water load patterns and inclination and orientation of the collector field. The handbook also addresses common design issues, including flow rates, configuration of the hydraulic, control systems and collector arrangements.
Find the handbook attached for download.
Hard copies can be purchased from MPMSAA: http://www.plumber.com.au/