Archives: News

Poland: Rules Change for Vacuum Tube Collectors

On 2 September, the Polish National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (Polish initialism: NFOŚiGW) announced new requirements for its residential subsidy scheme on its website. From 1 October […]

Mexico: Fight for New Incentives

Mexico’s solar thermal programme Procalsol restarted in August 2013. The Procalsol working group of renewable energy industry association FAMERAC (Fabricantes Mexicanos en las Energías Renovables) is currently lobbying to establish […]

Finland: One Solar Roof – Three Partners

The new Ruukki Classic Solar Thermal Roof from Finland was shown twice this summer: First at the Intersolar Europe in Munich, Germany, at the booth of Finnish company Savo-Solar in […]

Hawaii: Results of Three Years of Solar Obligation

Since Act 204 “mandating” solar water heating systems on all new single-family dwellings came into force in January 2010, the number of new residential houses equipped with a solar water […]