Country: Germany

Iran: POMAco’s View on Iranian Solar Thermal Market

After Iran’s elections in June and the new government taking over in August, hopes are that solar thermal could become an increasingly important technology in the Mideast country. Hossein Riyahi […]

Czech Republic: Rapid Market Consolidation

Vermos, VK Technik and Láf Nerez are all former Czech producers or assemblers of solar thermal collectors which started in the 90s and closed down their business over the last […]

Germany: Programme of SMEThermal 2014 available

The development of Europe’s solar thermal industry is posing great challenges: While the residential market has been declining, there has been an increasing demand for complex industrial solutions and new […]

Poland: Unclear Political Framework in 2014

Business satisfaction in the Polish solar thermal industry is declining: The ISOL Business Index developed by German market research agency solrico achieved high scores above 50 points in 2010 and […]

SHC 2013: “Be transparent about the performance”

Europe’s first International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry, the SHC 2013, has been a success. Between 23 and 25 September, around 400 participants from 37 […]

Tunisia Funds Solar Process Heat

Tunisia is venturing into another completely new solar thermal application area: solar process heat. After having started the national support programme Prosol first in 2005 for residential solar water heaters, […]