Residential Support Programme in Norway

In January 2015, the Norwegian energy agency ENOVA improved the national subsidy scheme that grants energy efficiency technologies as well as renewable energies in the residential sector since 2008. Since 2015 the applicant has a legal right for the funding“ if the household fulfills all eligible criteria”. This is called “rettighetsbasert” in Norwegian, which could be translated to „rights-based“. Households enjoy a financial support of 25 % of the documented total expenses (including VAT). For a solar heating system a maximum refund of NOK 10,000 can be given, plus NOK 200 NOK/m² up to 25 m² collector area.

Country / region


Name of programme

“Enovatilskuddet” (Enova grants)

Type of incentive

Rettighetsbaser Grants (rettighetsbaser could be translated as rights-based) and means that the household has a legal right for the subsided)

Eligible technologies

Solar water heaters, pellet boilers, heat pumps, balanced ventilation, (hydronic) floor heating, wood stove with water mantle, heat recovery from grey water, renewable electric power production, advanced temperature control systems;
Several technologies can be combined and the grants for each are additive

Applicable sectors

Residential, private house owners


25% of the documented total expenses (including VAT) can be refunded. For a solar heating system (components and installation) a maximum refund of NOK 10 000.- can be given, plus NOK 200.- per square meter collector area up to 25 m².

Maximum incentive

see “Amount”

Requirements for system

  • Applicants are asked to contact their municipality, in order to clarify which local requirements need to be met to perform installations on the outside of their respective building.

Requirements for installation

  • The installation has to be integrated into the building’s overall domestic hot water and eventual space heating system.
  • The installation has to be performed by skilled and authorised personnel.
  • The purchase of the solar heating system must be within the past 12 months and the last invoice cannot be older than 4 months.

Finance provider

Enova SF – public enterprise owned by the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

Total funds

The programme is financed via a budget allocated from the Energy Fund. This funds must be used in an as cost-effective way as possible in order to achieve the goals that the authority sets for the programme. The Energy Fund is financed via a small additional levy on the electricity bills.

In addition, the Energy Fund has been allocated the revenues from the Green Fund for Climate, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Measures. The Green Fund’s capital this year is NOK 35 Billion for all programme of ENOVA not just energy efficiency and renewable energies, however, further funds will be added in the course of next years. NOK 5 Billion will be added in 2014 and 2015.

Effective date

Since August 2008, improvements introduced January 2015

Expiration date


Last review of this tabloid

February 2018


Enova SF
Tel: +47 80049003

Chat via website above


Baerbel Epp

Bärbel Epp is Founder and Director of the German communication and market research agency solrico and editor-in-chief of