Germany: MAP – national subsidy scheme for Renewable heating technologies

Since the launch of the German Market Rebate Programme for Renewable Energies (MAP) in the summer of 1999, the programme has experienced even more adaptations of its requirements than the number of years it has been running so far. The latest in its series of changes becomes effective at the first of April 2015 and is already considered in the table below. For the first time the incentive scheme includes a performance based incentive which can be chosen alternatively for systems that fulfill the requirements of the innovation design. In 2015, the budget for the MAP will be EUR 254 million including the clearing house for the feed-in tariff.

For further information on the MAP you can read the following news:
February 2011 

Country / region


Name of programme

Market Rebate Programme for Renewable Energy (Marktanreizprogramm für Erneuerbare Energien, or MAP)

Type of incentive


Eligible technologies

Solar water heating systems, heat pumps, pellets tanks, woodchips equipment

Applicable sectors

Individuals, freelancers, municipalities, municipal authorities, communities, non-profit organisations, small and medium enterprises


1) Basic incentives:

Solar water heaters and solar thermal plants on new buildings (except process heat) do not receive incentives according to these MAP basic tariffs. However, the incentives for innovative designs (see below) may be applicable.

  • Domestic hot water systems (at least 3 m², 200 litres)
    3 to 10 m² of gross collector area: 500 EUR per system
    11 to 40 m² of gross collector area: 50 EUR/m²
  • Combi systems for hot waters and space heating
    Up to 14 m² gross collector area: 2,000 m²
    15 to 40 m²: 140 €/m² of gross collector area (minimum of 9 m² flat plate collectors + 40 L/m² buffer tank or 7 m² vacuum tube collectors + 50 L/m² buffer tank); no minimum collector area for air collectors 
  • Provision of process heat: 140 €/m² of gross collector area
  • Solar cooling: 140 €/m² of gross collector area
  • Extension of already operating solar thermal system: 50 €/m² (only if extended solar plant provides space heating, process heat or solar cooling)

2) Bonuses (only applicable in combination with basic incentives:

  • Replacement of inefficient boiler by an efficient boiler: 500 €
  • Combination with heat pump or biofuel boiler: 500 €
  • High efficiency pump in solar circuit: 50 €
  • Bonus for energy efficient building: 50 % of basic incentive (only for residential building with solar heating)

3) Incentives for innovative designs (applicable without basic incentive)
These incentives apply to solar installations with 20 to 100 m² gross collector area. They are limited to residential buildings with three or more parties + other buildings with a minimum of 500 m² floor space + hotels with minimum of six rooms as well as 1- to 2-family buildings with a solar share of more than 50 % of the heat demand

  • Solar water heaters in new buildings: 75 EUR/m² gross collector area
  • Solar water heaters in existing buildings: 100 €/m² gross collector area
  • Combi Systems for hot water and space heating in new buildings: 150 €/m²
  • Combi systems for hot waters and space heating in existing buildings: 200 €/m² gross collector area
  • Provision of process heat for newly built or existing buildings: 200 €/m² gross collector area
  • Solar cooling in existing buildings: 200 €/m² gross collector area

Alternatively the incentive for innovative designs can be paid as a performance based incentive calculated with the following formula:

0.45 EUR/kWh and year according to the additional table of the Solar Keymark certificate of the collector, calculated for site Würzburg, Germany, and a collector temperature of 50 °C

Requirements for system

Solar Keymark certificate for solar thermal collectors

Finance providers

German Federal Environment Ministry (BMU)

Total funds

The budget is part of the EUR 500 million annual budget for support schemes for renewable heating technology pursuant to § 13 of the Renewable Energies Heat Act. In 2015 the MAP budget together with the clearing house for the feed-in tariffs adds up to EUR 254 million

Funding source

Public money

Effective date

Summer 1999, annual extension with adjusted requirements

Expiration date

Not announced


Solar thermal funding within MAP:

Last review of this tabloid

March 2015


Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle (BAFA) Postfach 51 60
D-65760 Eschborn
Tel.: +49 (06196) 908 625 
Telefax: +49 (06196) 908 800 or  (06196) 94 226 


Baerbel Epp

Bärbel Epp is Founder and Director of the German communication and market research agency solrico and editor-in-chief of