Demo Projects Solar House (Demoprojekte Solarhaus)

In spring 2017 the Austrian Climate and Energy Fund launched the subsidy scheme Demo Projects Solar House 2017 (in German: Demoprojekte Solarhaus 2017), the fourth issue of an incentive programme for private builders. The stated aim is to gain practical experience with buildings in which at least 70 % of the heat is supplied by solar thermal energy. The programme offers annual tenders which must be submitted to Kommunalkredit Public Consulting by September of the same year.

Country / region


Name of programme

Demoprojekte Solarhaus
(Demo Projects Solar House)

Type of incentive

Investment subsidies

Eligible technologies

Solar thermal combi systems

The technologies subsidised to complement the solar thermal system are wood heaters and heat pumps.

Applicable sectors

Residential buildings accommodating one or two families

The programme includes new and existing homes, as well as retrofit projects.

Maximum incentive 

The funding rate is capped at 50 % of the environmentally relevant additional investment costs and is calculated based on the building’s heat demand.

The funding for each individual project (solar system and auxiliary heating) is limited to a total of EUR 12,000. The funding for projects that are selected for the accompanying research is limited to a total of EUR 17,000.

Requirements for system

Eligible for grants are innovative solar thermal systems that achieve a solar fraction of at least 70 % of the total heat demand of residential buildings accommodating one or two families.

Gas or oil boilers are not permitted as auxiliary heat sources.

Requirements for installation

The calculations to provide proof of heat demand and solar fraction must come from passive house planning tool Passive House Planning Package.

Finance provider

Austrian Climate and Energy Fund

Total funds

Total budget for 2017: EUR 300,000

Funding source


Effective date

25 April 2017

Expiration date

Annual tenders, last submission date 22 September 2017

Website (in German)

Last review of this tabloid

July 2017


Kommunalkredit Public Consulting GmbH
Bearbeitungsteam „Solarhaus”
phone: 0043/(0)1/316 31-723


Baerbel Epp

Bärbel Epp is Founder and Director of the German communication and market research agency solrico and editor-in-chief of