Spain: 20 % Direct Energy Efficiency Subsidy – up to EUR 200 Million
Spanish authorities have launched a new subsidy scheme for energy efficiency measures with a budget of EUR 200 million. The scheme supports solar thermal as one of several technologies, giving it direct monetary support of 20 % of the system costs. On 5 May, the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism approved the so-called PAREER-CRECE programme (Programa de Ayudas para la Rehabilitación Energética de Edificios existents), a support scheme for increasing the energy efficiency of existing buildings. Since this very day, investors of solar thermal systems can apply for grants of up to 20 % of their investment costs (see the attached decree). In addition to the subsidy scheme, they can apply for a soft loan at Euribor rate without additional charges. These loans cover up to 70 % of the system costs and last 12 years. Applications for the programme can be submitted until 31 December 2016.
The former PAREER credit line, which started in September 2013, focused exclusively on hotel and residential buildings. It will now be replaced by the new PAREER-CRECE programme, which offers EUR 75 million for direct grants and EUR 125 million from the former PAREER credit line and applies to all existing buildings – not just residential ones and hotels (further information in the table below). There are four eligible types of measures:
- Improving a building’s thermal insulation: 30 % grant
- Improving energy efficiency of heating and lighting system (including solar thermal): 20 % grant
- Replacing conventional with biomass boiler: 25 % grant
- Replacing conventional boiler with geothermal system: 30 % grant
The subsidised measures should increase a building’s efficiency rating by at least one level according to the Spanish energy certification scheme, states the website of the programme administrator, the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving, IDAE.
Efficiency improvement can also be achieved by combining several measures. The total investment costs of submitted measures may range between EUR 30,000 and EUR 4 million. The required minimum size for solar water heaters is 14 kW (9.8 m2 of collector area).
More information:
Subsidy Scheme for Renewable Heat and Energy Efficiency
On 5 May, the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism approved the so-called PAREER-CRECE programme (Programa de Ayudas para la Rehabilitación Energética de Edificios existents), a support scheme for increasing the energy efficiency of existing buildings. Since this very day, investors of solar thermal systems can apply for grants of up to 20 % of their investment costs.
Country / region | Spain |
Name of programme | PAREER-CRECE, a support programme for increasing the energy efficiency of existing buildings (Programa de Ayudas para la Rehabilitación Energética de Edificios existents) |
Type of incentive | Nonrefundable direct subsidy complemented by a loan |
Eligible technologies |
Applicable sectors and beneficiaries |
Amount of subsidy | Solar thermal systems: granted by 20 % of the eligible investment costs Insolation measures: 30 % grant Biomass boilers: granted by 25 % Geothermal heating plants: granted by 30 %Loans are offered optional for 70 % of the system costs |
Maximum incentive | The maximum amount of subsidy in all four categories in not capped.
The total investment costs of the measures must be between EUR 30,000 and EUR 4 million. |
Terms of loan | 12 years, interest rate Euribor without additional charge. Security deposit of 20% of the overall loan must be provided. |
Requirements for system | Current legislation and other technical requirements from IDAE |
Requirements for installation | Current legislation and other technical requirements from IDEA |
Finance provider | Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving, IDEA |
Total funds | EUR 200 million, the Budget may receive an increase in case there are budgetary availability. |
Funding source | Funds for finance energy efficiency and saving for 2013 approved by Royal Decree 14/2010 and national budget. |
Effective date | 5 May 2015 |
Expiration date | 31 December 2016 |
Website | http://www.idae.es/index.php/id.858/relmenu.409/ mod.pags/mem.detalle |
Last review of this tabloid | May 2015 |
Contact | Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE) Madrid, Spain Phone 0034/913/146673 ciudadano@idae.es http://www.idae.es |