Southern China: Large-scale Installations of Flat Plate Collectors
Utilizing China’s sun power to heat water in buildings: This solar collector field of 5,450 m2 was mounted on the roofs of the prominent Zhongshan University in Guangzhou, in the southern province of Guangdong.
Photo: Prosunpro
One of the Chinese flat plate manufacturers to experience high growth rates these days is Prosunpro Solar Industrial Co. Ltd. The company from the southern city of Shenzhen produced 140,000 m2 of collector area in 2008 and is planning to increase these quantities also in 2009. “The Chinese government stresses the particular importance of using renewable energies as being a key factor for future development. It is the major reason for the high growth of renewables in the heating sector,” Robin Luo, Prosunpro’s Vice President, explains.
Prosunpro has specialized in designing and installing large-scale solar heating systems, such as on the roof of the dormitories of Guangdong Hongkongnese School. Employees of Prosunpro designed and installed on its roof a solar thermal surface of 4,960 m2, in order to meet the hot water demand of 20 dormitory buildings accommodating over 8,000 students. Besides that, the company equipped several hospitals, hotels and universities with their large-scale solar systems. In the northern provinces, Prosunpro says to have installed solar combi systems that supply energy to a building’s space heating, too.
Production line of absorber fins: The picture on the left shows one of Prosunpro’s two production lines that work with the anodic oxidation method in the factory in Shenzhen, Guangdong.
Photo: Prosunpro
Prosunpro’s own factory in Shenzen manufactures copper fins coated with black chrome. 30 % of the collector surface produced in 2008 was equipped with these ultrasonic-welded copper fins. As an alternative, the company offers collectors with ultrasonic-welded, blue-coated absorber fins bought in Germany. The larger share of Prosunpro collectors, however, includes laser-welded and full-plate copper absorbers purchased at a Chinese manufacturer
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