India: Vacuum Tube System with PCM Storage Tank Heats Troop Shelter

Photo: DIHAR
“However, there is a need to operate a diesel generator for six hours during the peak winter months January and February when the temperature falls below minus 30 °C,” Sarfraz Nazir explained in a report on defencenews.in this July. Nazir is a scientist at DIHAR and the initiator of the project. Each of the collectors has 30 tubes with a length of 1,800 mm each, which can save anywhere between 6 to 10 litres of paraffin oil per day when ambient temperatures do not fall below -30 °C.
Usually, the army employs bhukaris – wood-burning stoves – and generator-run electrical appliances to warm up facilities such as barracks and bunkers in Ladakh as well as the northeast. These systems consume hundreds of thousands of litres of paraffin oil and diesel each year.

Photo: DIHAR
“The idea struck my mind in early 2014 when I collected the solar radiation data of this area,” Nazir said. The researcher found that “both the intensity and sunshine duration” were rather high, and that the amount of irradiation could be used very efficiently to warm up rooms if a suitable solar thermal system were selected to replace fossil fuel-based burners. Nazir started working on the design of a prototype: After 18 months of research, he finally succeeded in creating the first demonstration shelter heated by the sun.
The scientists at DIHAR used HS 29 – a mixture of calcium chloride and other salts – as the phase change material in the tank to store thermal energy harnessed by the evacuated tube collectors. The HS 29 melts when solar heat is led into the tank and becomes solid again when heat is released at night.
Tank heat is distributed through water pipes, which have been integrated into the roof of the shelter. The building has a greenhouse-like thermal trap area over the roof to create a tunnelling effect and trap solar heat in the shelter, according to the online article by DIHAR.
This new eco-friendly development is seen as a major breakthrough which will benefit such ecologically sensitive areas above and beyond a mere reduction in greenhouse gases. Most important, it will give the necessary comfort to soldiers who are constantly struggling with the cold temperatures in this region of the Himalayas. After the successful pilot test, DIHAR is planning to deploy these shelter installations at several hundred other buildings.
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