Solar heat is a key element for sustainable heating and cooling and plays an essential role in developing a carbon-neutral building stock, thus providing a fundamental contribution to the achievement of climate targets. Solar thermal technology has great potential to support a carbon-neutral economy as well as contribute to energy efficiency, flexibility through thermal energy storage, reliability and security of energy supply. offers news and background information about policies, regulations, business models, technology & market trends, challenges and opportunities of the solar heating and cooling market globally. With over 3,500 articles and more than 20,000 regular users, it is the largest knowledge-based web portal for the solar heating and cooling sector worldwide.
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Who is behind the site? was initiated by the International Copper Association Europe (ICA Europe), Brussels, Belgium, in 2008 with the aim of providing stakeholders from research, public and private sector all around the globe with first-class information about solar heating and cooling to stimulate market growth. The ICA Europe has supported the hosting of the website as well as the content gathering continuously between 2008 and 2020. ICA Europe was instrumental in making the site the global SHC showcase it is today, and will remain a supporting partner even beyond 2020.
The German agency solrico has been responsible for the news section of the website since 2008 and has sent out newsletters regularly. On 1 January 2021, solrico assumed complete ownership of and remains the editor-in-chief for the news section and the newsletters. solrico cooperates with solar thermal experts from various countries (e.g. India, Brazil, China, Portugal, Italy, Spain, Russia, and Kenia) and backgrounds to deliver well developed insights into this dynamically growing global sector.
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Strategic partnerships aims to enter partnerships with other national and international organisations or projects to spread the content to new stakeholder groups. Between 2008 and 2015 cooperated with United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) as part of the Solar Water Market Transformation and Strengthening Initiative.
At the beginning of 2015 formed a partnership with the IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme to explain the latest in research and innovation.
Since September 2017 has cooperated with the project Solar Payback that aims to promote industrial solar heat in South Africa, Brazil, Mexico and India.
Since January 2021 the European Copper Institute supports as a strategic partner to cover news about European solar heating and cooling policies, market opportunities, green buildings and commercial solar heat applications.
Strategic distributors also team works with associations and international organisations that spread the solar heating and cooling news among their networks, particularly Solar Heat Europe/ESTIF and REN21. The latter uses the content from this portal in its annual Renewables Global Status Report.
How to navigate the side?
Use the advanced search tool on top of each page which combines the keyword search box and the tag-based filter.

You can choose between different market drivers: Awareness Raising / Certification / Finance and Incentives / Policy / Standards / Training and Education. Each news is also tagged according the application that you can choose from a drop-down menu: Air Heating / District Heating / Domestic Hot Water and Heating etc.
If you have further questions or comments, please feel free to contact us.