Development of solar process heat projects is a challenging business around the world. Slow decision-making by the clients, low fossil fuel energy prices and a lack of faith in the […]
How can energy regulations shape the building sector’s transition to a sustainable society? This was one of the questions discussed during the workshop organized by the IEA SHC Task 71 […]
The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) has published an unusual but practice-orientated Navigator Brief about solar industrial heat. Why unusual? The Brief summarizes the experience gained from 15 […]
The research group on Compact Thermal Energy Storage Materials of the IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme has taken a big step forward in developing and validating standardized thermal energy […]
Two innovative heat pump projects in the megawatt range connected to district heating grids went into operation in Germany last year. The installations from Johnson Controls International (JCI), Denmark, and […]
The market for high-temperature heat pumps for industrial applications is developing very dynamically. The number of manufacturers has doubled in the last six years. This is confirmed by Dr Cordin […]
EuroSun in Cyprus attracted around 200 visitors from over 40 countries. They all recognized that solar heat technologies are an important pillar of the energy supply on this island. 92 […]
A large number of different collector types are available for planners to integrate into district heating systems. A recent report by the IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme titled Solar […]
Solterm Italia was launched in June 2024. The new Italian solar thermal association aims to raise public awareness of solar thermal energy and push for a stable legal framework and […]
Europe is the leading region worldwide for PVT technology. Of the global 1.6 million m2 of PVT collectors in operation, 64 % are installed in Europe. The leading countries are […]