Europe: First Call for Solar Certification Fund Proposals
The European Solar Certification Fund (SCF) – recently founded by the Solar Keymark Network – launched its first call for project proposals. They can be submitted to scf@estif.org until 14 January 2011, using a template provided on the website. It is estimated that in 2011, around EUR 130,000 to 150,000 will be added to the approx. EUR 90,000 to 100,000 that have been paid into the fund in 2010.
The background: The European Committee for Standardization (CEN) reduced the fees for Solar Keymark certifications at the beginning of 2010. The Solar Keymark Network has chosen to invest part of the reduced fees in a fund supporting measures for improving and promoting the Solar Keymark label.
At the 9th Solar Keymark Network meeting in October 2010, a Solar Certification Fund ”Steering Group” was created and the members of this group were nominated (see the list below). It was this group that set up the guidelines for the first call (see the attached document). The 1st SCF call asks for projects proposals in 3 different categories:
A. Open call for projects on specific matters
- Make Solar Keymark available for ”custom-built systems”
- Develop ”solar friendly” alternatives to EN 13203-3 (solar-supported, gas-fired domestic appliances producing hot water)
- Study literature on legionella
- Elaborate proposal to harmonise the check list for factory inspections related to factory-made systems
B. Open call for projects on matters setting certain, pre-defined priorities
- Improve specific Solar Keymark scheme rules (including annexes)
- CE marking of collectors
C. Dedicated call for projects on specific matters/tasks
- SCF administration
- Global certification and ISO/EN harmonisation
- Adapt CEN Keymark database to Solar Keymark needs
- Follow and influence the CEN/TC 164
List of members nominated to the SCF Steering Group:
Manufacturers: Ralf Köbbemann-Rengers (BDH/Bosch), Rob Meesters (Solahart), Wolfgang Eisenmann (BSW/Wagner)
Test labs: Enric Mateu Serrats (CENER), Andreas Bohren (SPF)
Certification bodies: João Santos (CERTIF), Sören Scholz (DIN CERTCO), Hoang Liauw (CEN/CENELEC)
European Solar Thermal Industry Federation: Pedro Dias (ESTIF Secretariat), Teun Bokhoven (Chairman of ESTIF Standards & Certification Work Group)
Solar Keymark Network: Harald Drück (Solar Keymark Network chairman/ITW), Jan Erik Nielsen (Solar Keymark Network secretary/Planenergi)
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