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Newsletter July 2020

World´s largest solar heating and cooling research network

The IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme is expanding its reach. In June, attendees at the IEA SHC Executive Committee meeting approved a new research project, Solar Cooling for the Sunbelt Regions, which has sparked great interest among market players around the world. IEA SHC has also received a significant boost in its regional outreach activities after five Regional Sustainable Energy Centres based in the Caribbean and Africa joined the Programme. Another two are in the process of joining. Together, the seven centres represent 173 countries from all corners of the globe. Since 2015, solarthermalworld.org has regularly published news on IEA SHC, the world’s largest solar heating and cooling research network. 

Solar Cooling for the sunbelt regions
IEA SHC news section on solarthermalworld.org
IEA SHC new organization members
“Total fossil lockdown for a climate revolution”
by Bärbel Epp

The new Renewables 2020 Global Status Report is calling for a “total fossil lockdown” to bring about a “climate revolution”. The GSR has grown into one of the most trusted sources for data on the global energy market transformation and was covered in 240+ articles and reached 1,000+ mentions on social media within only one week after its launch Mid June.
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Solar requirement dropped from building regulations in Spain
by Alejandro Diego Rosell

During the last 8 years, the Spanish solar thermal market was fairly stable, with capacity additions ranging between 200,000 and 250,000 m² annually. However, recent revisions to the national solar building regulations have cast doubt on the medium-term success of this regulated market.

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Fact sheets show 30 operational PV-thermal systems
by Bärbel Epp

PV-thermal installations are extremely versatile systems, and their manufacturers can cater to a wide variety of customers. To illustrate how far PVT technology has come in recent years, global research platform Application of PVT collectors included 30 case studies in its latest report.

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Success factors in top SDH countries
by Bärbel Epp

In the last decade, Denmark, China, Germany and Austria played a leading role in the deployment of large solar thermal systems. What country-specific factors helped these four achieve that level of market adoption has been the topic of a new review paper written by an international group of IEA SHC experts.

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SBE Heritage conference calls for papers
by Bärbel Epp

The SBE conference’s 2021 edition will be held under the title SBE Heritage in Bolzano, Italy, between 14 and 16 April 2021. Italian-based Eurac Research will organise this first regional conference of the cycle 2021-2023 and present the results of Task 59 – Renovating Historic Buildings Towards Zero Energy.

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Opportunities for solar heat in India

Join the webinar The Heat is On – SHIP potential in India to learn about the role of renewable service companies and get an overview on real case studies and their economic feasibility. The 1 hour webinar will take place on Friday, 10th of July 12:30 AM CET / 4 PM Indian time. Registration is free of charge.

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