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Newsletter June 2020

Webinar: Update on global SHC markets and trends in industry

If you are looking for an update on the most recent developments in the SHC sector, we got just the right event for you. The next Solar Academy webinar, set to take place at 2 pm GMT (4 pm CEST) on 24 June, will see Werner Weiss from AEE INTEC present the highlights from the latest Solar Heat Worldwide edition. This 90-page report is the world’s most comprehensive and informative publication on SHC markets, containing both data on 63 countries and multiple chapters on all sorts of solar thermal applications and technologies. The high points of this year’s report are the results of a second survey among PVT manufacturers worldwide and an analysis of what impact residential SWH support schemes have had in South Africa, Namibia, Greece and Brazil.

The webinar is being organised by the IEA’s Solar Heating and Cooling programme and will be hosted by ISES, the International Solar Energy Society. If you wish to attend, please register online.
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Shareholders force Glasspoint into liquidation
by Bärbel Epp

Glasspoint was forced into liquidation in mid-May after investors agreed to halt additional funding for keeping the US-based company operational. Glasspoint had been in charge of putting up the world’s largest solar steam-producing plant in Oman.

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Sunny prospects for Cyprus
by Bärbel Epp

Homeowners and businesses in Cyprus showed growing interest in solar thermal technology over the last two years. The photo shows one of the most recently added industrial solar heat systems, a demonstration plant with a number of distinctive features.

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Austrian solar initiative to benefit from recovery plan
by Bärbel Epp

Solar thermal manufacturers and resellers based in Austria are coping well with the economic crisis brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic. The industry also called for using the planned stimulus package to support large solar thermal plants.

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Webinar: Strategies in the digital world

Four marketing and communication experts will share their lessons learned from many years of social media usage in a webinar offered on 23 June 2020 between 2:00 and 2:30 pm CEST. Receive tips on how to use social media for industry associations and international projects.

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Round robins improve TCM testing
by Bärbel Epp

Round robin tests have been an important method for improving test procedures of thermochemical storage materials that offer high storage capacities at minimal losses. During these tests, multiple laboratories examine the same material to compare results.

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Lessons learned from first IEA SHC online meetings
by Bärbel Epp

Research platform Solar Neighborhood Planning organised its first two-day online workshop with 42 people based in 10 different countries. The organisers put together a list of lessons learned based on the survey conducted among attendees.

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