Four international conferences on solar heating and cooling will take place in the first three months of the year: The Solar Thermal Conference at 4/5 March 2010 in Wels, Austria, […]
Manufacturer of solar thermal technology: So far, Maharishi Solar has been producing flat plate collectors and photovoltaic panels. The company now wants to extend its portfolio by including concentration solar […]
Solar thermal businessmen from Spain: Julio Castro (right) and Angel Martínez founded the collector manufacturer Termicol Energía Solar, S.L. eight years ago and invest even in times of crisis. Photo: […]
David Pérez from the international consultancy firm eclareon, Madrid, took a closer look at the impact of the Spanish solar thermal obligation on demand, products and the value chain, and […]
A modern Turkish collector factory: Baymak purchased a laser-welding machine as part of the new collector production unit at Istanbul. Photo: Baymak
Factory of Climatewell in the Spanish town of Soria: The Swedish company is setting up a production line of solar absorption chillers. Photo: Climatewell